Space management – overview of spaces and rooms.

Optimise your space management and analyse your square footage, receive user-friendly reports in your inbox, and get an overview of the usage of your facilities with the smart features of our RoomAlyzer platform.

Optimer dine kontoromkostninger og medarbejdernes trivsel med space management

Dashboard and heatmap

With our dashboard you can quickly and easily analyse your data across locations, departments and tags. With just one click, you’ll gain insight into which options you need to make to optimise your facilities and improve office wellbeing.

Visualise the usage of your facilities over a given period with our heatmap and gain a deeper understanding of the usage rate of each desk, location, floor or meeting room. It’s valuable data about your organisation’s behaviour that will help you create a better and happier workplace.

Vores produkter hjælper med Space Management

Graphs and tags

With our graph module you can analyse data for a specific location, floor or area over a selected period. This allows you to see when in the working day the most desks are in use and when there are the fewest employees in the office. With concrete data at hand, you can accurately assess your maximum capacity and follow trends over time. These insights allow you to take action and make important decisions that benefit both your business and your employees.

Our tag module allows you to put a visual stamp or tag on specific areas, such as four-person meeting rooms, free-seating zones or quiet areas. The tag module analyses usage so you can accurately identify which actions promote well-being in terms of layout, zones and more.

Få hjælp med Space Management

Meeting rooms - utilisation vs. attendees

With our meeting room module, you can easily get an overview of how often meeting rooms are used and how many people are present when they are in use. In recent years, our working patterns have changed significantly, with more online meetings and fewer physical meetings. That’s why our meeting room module is an indispensable tool that ensures you always know if, for example, an 8-person meeting room is being used by only two people 80% of the time and if your meeting facilities are being optimally utilised. The module gives you detailed insights into how your meeting rooms are being used across locations, floors, departments or down to the individual meeting room.

Space Management

Optimisation and ratio

Our optimisation module gives you a complete overview of where you have excess or under capacity. You can choose to view data at location level or tag level for more detailed insights. The module makes it easy to identify your potential savings: simply enter the cost per desk space for each location or tag and see the financial potential.

The Optimisation module gives you data on your ratio figures. Based on the current number of employees, physical facilities and your utilisation rate, the module analyses your ratio so you can make the most optimal decisions according to your goals and strategy.

Optimer dine kontoromkostninger og medarbejdernes trivsel med space management

Dashboard and heatmap

With our dashboard you can quickly and easily analyse your data across locations, departments and tags. With just one click, you’ll gain insight into which options you need to make to optimise your facilities and improve office wellbeing.

Visualise the usage of your facilities over a given period with our heatmap and gain a deeper understanding of the usage rate of each desk, location, floor or meeting room. It’s valuable data about your organisation’s behaviour that will help you create a better and happier workplace.

Vores produkter hjælper med Space Management

Graphs and tags

With our graph module you can analyse data for a specific location, floor or area over a selected period. This allows you to see when in the working day the most desks are in use and when there are the fewest employees in the office. With concrete data at hand, you can accurately assess your maximum capacity and follow trends over time. These insights allow you to take action and make important decisions that benefit both your business and your employees.

Our tag module allows you to put a visual stamp or tag on specific areas, such as four-person meeting rooms, free-seating zones or quiet areas. The tag module analyses usage so you can accurately identify which actions promote well-being in terms of layout, zones and more.

Få hjælp med Space Management

Meeting rooms – utilisation vs. attendees

With our meeting room module, you can easily get an overview of how often meeting rooms are used and how many people are present when they are in use. In recent years, our working patterns have changed significantly, with more online meetings and fewer physical meetings. That’s why our meeting room module is an indispensable tool that ensures you always know if, for example, an 8-person meeting room is being used by only two people 80% of the time and if your meeting facilities are being optimally utilised. The module gives you detailed insights into how your meeting rooms are being used across locations, floors, departments or down to the individual meeting room.

Space Management

Optimisation and ratio

Our optimisation module gives you a complete overview of where you have excess or under capacity. You can choose to view data at location level or tag level for more detailed insights. The module makes it easy to identify your potential savings: simply enter the cost per desk space for each location or tag and see the financial potential.

The optimisation module gives you data on your ratio figures. Based on the current number of employees, physical facilities and your utilisation rate, the module analyses your ratio so you can make the most optimal decisions according to your goals and strategy.

Optimise your office costs and employee well-being with space management.

With our sensors and data, you can quickly get an overview of how well your workplace is using your space – saving money and optimising the layout for the benefit of your employees.

IoT Fabrikken’s space management tool gives you comparative overviews, heatmaps and analyses that show you which of your facilities are being used the most/least.

All data is simple and enables you to take action and make the most of your space.

space management

Udnyt kontoret og arbejdspladsen bedre med viden og data

Med RoomAlyzer får du blandt andet overblik over: 


Mål på, hvor meget I bruger jeres borde. Kan nogle sløjfes? Eller er der lokaler, hvor I faktisk mangler borde? Vores sensorer kan kobles direkte til jeres bookingsystem. 


Hvor mange bruger de store kontorer? Måske kan I nøjes med et mindre og billigere lejemål? Kunne du bruge dine arealer bedre og udnytte dem mere effektivt og bruge pengene på noget andet?


Bliver de brugt hele tiden, som foreningen måske siger, eller bare nu og da? Kan flere foreninger dele et lokale? 


Kan der skrues ned for varmen på bestemte dage? Eller findes plads til andre hold? Kan vi rykke rundt så der er mere plads?


Har vi ledige lokaler? Hvor mange bruger reelt lokalerne, når der er timer? Kan vi spare penge her?


Sidder der 2 eller 12, når lokalet bliver brugt? Har I for mange eller for få mødelokaler? Kunne de laves om til noget andet eller måske opdeles i flere lokaler?

Get started with space management quickly and easily.

Katja er en del af IOT teamet, som hjælper med space management

The team and I will follow you all the way through the implementation. And we’re always ready with support!

- Katja

Data shows you how facilities are being used.

Our own space management data from Danish companies shows that often only 50% of the building’s facilities are utilised – and in some places the figure is as low as 30%. This is an eye-opener for our customers who use data as a tool to customise the workplace according to actual conditions and employee needs.

‘We [have] only seen the beginning of the transformation of the office as the epicentre of knowledge workers towards an increasingly flexible and hybrid work life. The evolution will be defining for all internal workplace players. In particular, Facility Management…’
Review of ‘Hybrid workspace 2033’ published by Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies.

‘In a new report from Statistics Denmark, four out of ten employed Danes say they have worked from home in the past month. This means that the level of homeworking is as high as when it peaked during the corona pandemic in early 2021.’
TV2, 23. august 2024

‘Compared to last year, the level of homeworking has increased by 5 percentage points… Homeworking is higher than before COVID-19 in all industries.’
Statistics Denmark, 22. august 2024 

Our space management software is developed together with you.

We’ve asked our wide range of customers what they need when it comes to data that optimises their space management. And we’ve combined their professional knowledge with our own software expertise to create a solution that simultaneously:

  • Helps you save money
  • Improves the layout of your facilities for employees
  • Makes running your space significantly simpler and more sustainable (ESG)

In other words, you get accurate data and can plan the workspace in an office by analysing the need for desks, meeting rooms and common areas, among other things. You can understand the flow of people in your workplace over time. And there’s a lot of money to be saved when you can rent fewer rooms – or avoid building new ones because you’re making better use of what you have instead. It also has a big impact on your green credentials and is the biggest energy optimisation you can do.

IOT og space management 2024
IOT Fabrikken hjælper din virksomhed med Space Management med innovative løsninger

The most discreet sensor on the market.

Tiny sensors with many benefits and possibilities.

Our sensors are the size of a coin, weigh 3 grams and have a battery life of 9 years. The sensor is discreet, firmly attached and completely free of wires and wifi. With advanced temperature detection and machine learning, the sensor measures the utilisation of your space, whether you’re standing up, sitting down or in a meeting room.

Vores team hos IOT hjælper dig og din virksomhed med vores space management produkter

Curious how we can help you get smart about the utilisation of your facilities?

Curious how we can help you get smart about the utilisation of your facilities?

Give us a call or use the fields to let us know that you would like to know more about the RoomAlyzer system. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as we’ve seen your enquiry and are always happy to drop by – either physically or online. You are also welcome at our cosy office in Roskilde, Denmark.