Solrød Kommune.

Solrød Kommune had an older indoor climate sensor system. Men det manglede fleksibilitet og muligheder. But it lacked flexibility and options. Operations needed a single, portable system for indoor climate complaints, renovations, condition reports and utilisation measurement.

What do Solrød Kommune say?

‘It’s hard to talk about indoor climate based on emotions… This is where data helps us.’

‘I’m in operations and we use the RoomAlyzer platform for many different things. Among other things, the sensors allow us to measure how much we actually use our rooms. We want to know how much the meeting rooms are in use – and if they are in use. The data shows us in black and white what it really looks like.

We also use the sensors to look at our indoor climate on several fronts. Firstly, we have used them in our institutions, where we sometimes get conflicting messages from employees about the indoor climate. Some think it’s too hot, others think it’s too cold. With data, we can determine whether it’s really too cold or too hot and then adjust the indoor climate accordingly.

In one institution, we turned down the underfloor heating, and with data from the sensors, we were able to show the staff that the room temperature was as it should be. It’s difficult to talk about indoor climate based on emotions and habits. Here, data helps us with the dialogue.

We also use the sensors in connection with our condition reports and renovations. Specifically, we measure the indoor climate before we take action – and then we measure again afterwards so we can see if what we’ve implemented is having the right effect. We’ve also given our contractors access to the system, so they use the data to check that the CTS is working properly.

We previously used an older sensor system and I lacked the flexibility, so it wasn’t utilised in the same way. I’m also pleased with the dialogue with IoT Fabrikken. They listen to our input from operations.’

Michael E. Øhlenschlæger, operating technician, Solrød Kommune

More cases.

Read more of our cases here.

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